Sunday, January 17, 2010

14 miles

Today I ran 14 miles, the furthest I have actually ran!! Instead of running in loops I've started running in one direction hitting the halfway mark and then turning back! Today I explored all the restricted by lanes, very uneven and muddy but fun!!

I misjudged it slightly and hit the 13 mile mark far to close to home so basically ran up and down the street until I hit that 14!! That was hard to keep going knowing I was so close to home!! I felt a bit sore but after a couple hours I was flying high, feeling great and hypo!! ( maybe I will feel sore tomorrow)

I really feel my training has got back on track this week, managed to get out now snow has gone, had a good hilly run with Barry last Thursday! I've feel like I've really upped the stakes thus week really pushing myself and when not running been doing hour long sessions on the exercise bike!!
I am def feeling the benefit of not drinking.... Lots more energy, feeling lot more motivated although I'm not losing weight as quickly as I thought I would!! Still carrying those few extra pounds from Christmas which I can't seem to shift even with all this extra training! Maybe my body is getting used to it or I'm getting lots more muscles!

I now Twitter which is great, I have found lots of supportive and inspirational friends who I can constantly talk about running with and give johns ears a rest!

Until next time ........

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